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Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t

w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m

EuroWire – May 2007

wire Russia 2007

28-31 May

The company offers training of operators and

technicians at the Balloffet training centre

and showroom, or at customer sites. They

also offer control and technical reports of

customer dies. Balloffet is an ISO 9001-2000

certified company.

Balloffet SA – France


: +33 474 357901


Booth C23

Known as one of the leading suppliers for

second-hand equipment for the wire, cable

and rolling mill industry, Bongard has been

in the market for more than 48 years.

With more than 1,200 second-hand machines

in stock to cover all different applications for

the production of steel wire, flat wire, power

cable, data cable and communication cable,

Bongard also offers equipment directly from

previous owner’s factory sites.

The equipment can be purchased in its

current condition or it can be tested

mechanically and electrically, refurbished

and then modernised by the highly qualified

Bongard team.

For delivery of complete manufacturing

plants, Bongard organises the complete

handling of, dismantling, transport, shipment,

customs and commissioning.

Bongard Trading GmbH & Co KG

– Germany


: +49 23789 15300


Booth E05

Borealis, together with Borouge, a joint

venture between Borealis and the Abu Dhabi

National Oil Company in the Middle East and

Asia, the company will focus on technically

advanced and innovative solutions that offer

cable manufacturers and end-users greater

productivity and longer service life.

Borealis aims to provide optimal plastics,

keeping manufacturers competitive and

ensuring end users receive the best quality

cables for distribution of energy and


The latest additions to its Supercure™

product range will be presented on the

stand, alongside the Borealis complete line

of wire and cable solutions.

Borealis A/S – Denmark


: +45 4596 6123

Boxy Group

Booth D10

The Boxy Group, established in 1969, offers a

complete range of steel reels and drums for

wire and cable.

The range includes:

fully machined reels for copper wire


particularly resistant reels for steel wire


one-way shipping reels;

forged reels;

heavy-duty reels;

large cable drums;

take-apart reels (hydraulic, mechanic,

pneumatic) including the automatic type


tilting units (electromechanical – built-in

or floor-mounted hydraulic or pneumatic);

mechanical reel lifters;

coil lifters.

The company is certified holder of

ISO 9001:2000 quality control system.

Boxy SpA – Italy


: +39 030 957 244


Booth TBA

Bültmann set a new benchmark with regard

to product quality and productivity with

the newly-developed series of peeling and

straightening/polishing machines.

The up-to-date drive technology, as well as

the heavy and rigid construction of machines,

ensures high-precision manufacturing of

workpieces out of high-yield-point steels.

Short change-over times when setting a new

diameter allow the economic production

of very small lot sizes. The use of hydraulic

clamping systems on the adjustment axis

guarantees the long-term operation of

machines offering constant product quality.

Modern MMI systems ensure easy operating

and effective use of equipment. The peeling

machines SH series are built in different sizes

for a diameter range from 6mm-600mm.

Due to the patented hydraulic clamping

within the tool area, as well as the use of

precision tools, the diameter tolerances and

the respective tolerance on roundness are

achieved. When appropriate ingoing material

is used, tolerances up to IT7 may be reached.

Themodern straightening/polishingmachines

of the SRM series are manufactured for a

diameter range from 6mm-250mm. The use

of quick changing systems for straightening

rolls allows, depending on the requirements

to diameter and material strength, the use of

optimal roll contours.

The rolls may be changed in minutes by just

one operator and without using the overhead

crane. The exact diameter adjustment and the

extremely high rigidity of machinery ensure

that the accuracy of peeled bar will remain

unchanged after straightening/polishing.

Bültmann GmbH – Germany


: +49 2394 18171

Compomec Cable


Booth H07

Compomec was founded in 1993 and

has provided innovative solutions in the

fibre optics and cable industry to literally

hundreds of companies, delivered to varying

manufacturing conditions – from clean

room fibre optics processes to challenging

environmental conditions in conventional

cabling processes.

Next generation fibre pay-off ComPo35 can

be seen at the show. ComPo35 is member

of new innovative ComPo-product family,

which covers all fibre pay-off and take-up

conditions in fibre optic cable processes.

The latest innovation, MaxiPad concept,

is made for longitudinal tape application in

all cabling processes.

This patent pending solution minimises the

tape and cable scrap, and enables continuous

process without risky tape extension

operations. In addition, conventional on-line

taping process is possible as well.

Compomec Cable Machinery – Finland


: +358 54761 877


Booth G18

After over 150 years of existence, and

thanks to the synergy of the Condat group

in international structures and technical

knowledge, the Condat Vicafil lubricant

range is now the worldwide benchmark for

the wire drawing market.

Part of more than 1,200 machines in stock

Boxy offers a complete range of steel reels and


